Saturday 31 May 2014


Welcome to my very first blog....I've finally joined social media!!

This particular blog is dedicated to my dear friends, Glen and Joan. In fact, this wouldn't exist if it weren't for Glen's stories so this is really Glen's blog and I'm just the keeper of the page.

A few weeks ago I added another of Glen's stories from March 1945...a period of time most of us wouldn't have been alive to experience but one which lives in Glen's memory as well as that of many other veterans' of World War II.

If you enjoy these incredible stories, please share them with's important that these wonderful men and women be recognized for giving us the freedom we take for granted.

Happy landings!

 I would like to thank the many people who have written to share with me their information, web sites and thoughts on these stories. Many have assisted with further research to try to solve the mystery of Lollipops' "bump" this time, it's still remains unclear whether it was an accidental brush, a mid-air collision or a warning.  
We are very grateful for your time and assistance!

Ps. Please remember these are the memories of a veteran as told to myself and I may not be 100%historically correct with all the details.

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